2024 NAPE Summit
Feb. 7-9 2024
Exhibitor registration opens Feb. 2 2023
Reserve before March 31,2023
Saturday May 11th 2024
Instructor: Dr. Molly Turko
The Wichita Mountains in SW Oklahoma hold the key to understanding the complex tectonic history of the Mid-Continent. This includes a Precambrian-Cambrian failed rift, post-rift thermal subsidence, and structural inversion of the rift under a rotating stress field resulting in a variety of structural styles during the Pennsylvanian Orogeny. On this field trip we will discuss the complex tectonic history of the mid-continent and the structural styles that developed relating to paleo-stresses along with the driving mechanisms for uplift and how that fits into a regional viewpoint of the Pennsylvanian Orogeny.
Participants will enjoy a viewpoint from the top of Mount Scott followed by two moderate hikes through the refuge. We will look at fault and fracture corridors, brittle shear zones in granite, and understand kinematics that help us determine slip sense in the absence of bedding (normal, reverse, or strike-slip faulting). We’ll also look at clues to differentiating between rift related structures verse contractional inversion related structures. Discussions will include the expected structural styles based on stress/paleo-stress orientations and the impact of pre-existing structures on later deformation. Bring your boots and join us for several hikes through the refuge where you’ll also receive a guidebook including references to a few additional hikes/stops showcasing incredible structures in the Wichita Mountains!
Instructor Bio:
Instructor Bio: A passionate geologist, Dr. Molly Turko has over 15 years of experience in the oil and gas industry and is a subject matter expert in structural geology. She received both a B.Sc. (2009) and a M.Sc. (2011) in geology from the University of Tulsa followed by a Ph.D. (2019) from the University of Oklahoma. She has worked for several independents in the U.S. including Chesapeake Energy and is currently full-time with Devon Energy. Her favorite role is teaching and leading field trips for Applied Stratigraphix and local geological societies. Molly is the President of AAPG’s Petroleum Structure and Geomechanics Division, treasurer of the AAPG Mid-Continent Section, serves on the board of the OKC Geological Society, and is an associate editor for several leading geoscience journals.
For more information and to register please go to the Dallas Geological Society Website:
Please select SIPES membership at checkout.
Attend the SIPES Fort Worth chapter meeting to hear speaker Robert F. “Bob” Lindsay give his talk on Evolution of Residual Oil Zones (ROZs) in the Permian Super Basin.