“Facies Architecture of the Oswego Limestone of Northeastern Kingfisher County, Oklahoma”
by Dennis W. Browning, #3487, Panther City Exploration Company, LLC
“Getting to Know Your Reservoir: Examples in the Permian Basin” by Bob Lindsay, #3605, Lindsay Consulting
“Climate Change & Weather: A Reality Check” by Jory A. Pacht, #3054, President, Altair Resources LLC
“Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Production: Historical Trends with a Focus on the Wilcox, and a few thoughts on the Future”
by Robert “Bob” Meltz, Petroleum Geologist, Retired – Chevron
“Fundamentals of Logging ‘Reimagined'” by Don Herman, Cordax Evaluation Technologies
“Using Seismic Characterization to Support a New Horizontal Program at Jonah Field, Wyoming” by Cory Christie, Jonah Energy, LLC, Denver, CO (co-authors William R. Drake, Greg Gromadzki, and John Hoopes)
“State of Play” by James K. Wicklund, Wicklund and Associates
Deal Buyers Event
“Emphasis on Conventional Prospects in the Mid-Continent, East Texas, Eastern Shelf and Permian Basins”
Happy Hour following Event
Attendees (buying or networking) – No Charge (Please Register)
National SIPES Members Presenting a Prospect (and Oil Information Library of Fort Worth Members) – $40
Non-Members – $500
Co-Hosted by SIPES Fort Worth Chapter & Oil Information Library of Fort Worth
“The More Things Change… The More They Stay the Same”
A Joint Symposium hosted by the SIPES Dallas Chapter and the University of Texas at Dallas
Includes Continental Breakfast, Morning and Afternoon Sessions, and Lunch
Ten presentations planned by industry experts covering multiple themes. CEU credit available.
Pre-registration only. Registration fee includes parking
Reception to Follow at 4:45 p.m. – Northside Drafthouse, adjacent to campus (3000 Northside Blvd., Suite 800)
“Ethics in Science” by Bob Shoup
Chief Geologist, Subsurface Consultants & Associates, LLC (SCA) and the Director for Clastic Reservoir Systems