“Climate Alarmism” by James L. Folcik, Geosciences Manager, Extraction Oil & Gas, Denver, CO
The luncheon will be broadcast using Zoom. If you would like to join in using the app, please email Jim West so he can send you
the Zoom invitation. (Should a technical issue arise during or at the beginning of the Zoom meeting, please monitor the chat and
keep your speaker on. If we must move to another Zoom meeting, the number and passcode will appear in the chat window until
11:55 am when the main computer will have to shut down the old meeting and move to the new meeting.)
“Well Placement: Updip or Downdip, and the Science Behind it”
by Anil Kumar, #3342, Founder and President, Omak Technologies, LLC, Plano, TX
A link to the presentation will be sent to you after you RSVP.
No Speaker – Extended Happy Hour – One Drink ticket per person (mixed drink/beer) Cabernet and Chardonnay wine at bar
and for dinner. You and your spouse/guest are paid for by your 2020 spring session dues (carryover). Any additional guests:
$55 per person. RSVP to let us know if you will or will not be attending. Also, please include the name of your spouse/guest.
“Identifying and Evaluating Unconventional/Conventional Hybrid Basinal Sand/Detritus Benches to Extend
Commercial Resource Plays Beyond the Mature Basin: A Case Study – Southern Dawson County”
by Keith Skaar, Partner/Senior Petroleum Geologist, Augustin Exploration, Midland, Texas
“ESG and the Future of Virtue Signaling” by David Ramsden-Wood, Co-Founder & COO, OneEnergy Partners
Will be continuing the Wilcox discussion – Tom Fett, #3361, will speak with a primary focus on the Lobo
“Leading from the Middle” by Patrick Payton, Mayor of Midland
“The ‘Energy Transition’ – Is it Happening? Can it Happen? by Mark P. Mills
The meeting will focus on a recap of the tremendously successful 2021 Convention, held in Fredericksburg, TX from June 7-10