Current State of Energy Legislation and Climate Review in Kansas” by Mike Thompson, Kansas State Senator District 10, Johnson County
“Drone Enabled Geoscience Mapping for Resource Exploration, Infrastructure Mapping, and Environmental Site Assessments”
by Ronald S. Bell, Senior geoDRONEologist, Drone Geoscience, LLC
“LNG – Short Supply and Rocketing Demand – A Brief History and Value Chain Discussion of Current Events”
by Cameron D. Chandler, Owner and President, Chandler Energy Resources, LLC
Limited availability of 30 spots. RSVP to Meghan Jones to confirm availability
at before purchasing your ticket.
Bring shotgun, eye and ear protection. Shells, cart, lunch, and targets provided. Food and drinks post shoot.
“Facies Architecture of the Oswego Limestone of Northeastern Kingfisher County, Oklahoma”
by Dennis W. Browning, #3487, Panther City Exploration Company, LLC
“Getting to Know Your Reservoir: Examples in the Permian Basin” by Bob Lindsay, #3605, Lindsay Consulting
“Climate Change & Weather: A Reality Check” by Jory A. Pacht, #3054, President, Altair Resources LLC
“Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Production: Historical Trends with a Focus on the Wilcox, and a few thoughts on the Future”
by Robert “Bob” Meltz, Petroleum Geologist, Retired – Chevron
“Fundamentals of Logging ‘Reimagined'” by Don Herman, Cordax Evaluation Technologies
“Using Seismic Characterization to Support a New Horizontal Program at Jonah Field, Wyoming” by Cory Christie, Jonah Energy, LLC, Denver, CO (co-authors William R. Drake, Greg Gromadzki, and John Hoopes)