“Texas as Art!! by Rebecca L. Dodge, Ph.D.
Emeritus Associate Professor, Kimbell School of Geosciences, Midwestern State University
“LNG – Short Supply and Rocketing Demand – A Brief History and Value Chain Discussion of Current Events”
by Cameron D. Chandler, Chandler Energy Resources, LLC
“Fracture Type Identification for Real-Time Pumping Parameters Optimization to Maximize Hydraulic
Fracturing Surface Area for Production” by Matthew Sinkey, Vice President Engineering, ShearFRAC
“Petro Politics: An Update on O&G Legislative and Regulatory Issues” by Chris Hosek, Texas Star Alliance Energy Solutions
“Dipmeter Wireline Tools: History, Development, Applications, Imaging Data Displays, and the Future” by Tom Fett, #3361
Geophysical Insights into Paleoproterozoic Tectonics along the Southern Margin of the Superior Province,
Central Upper Peninsula, Michigan, USA” by Ben Drenth, Research Geophysicist, U.S. Geological Survey
“Clay Mineralogy Interpretation and Quantification Using XRD Techniques –
Importance from the Perspective of Unconventional Oil and Gas Properties”
by Giovanni Zanoni, Technical Advisor and XRD Analyst with Premier Oilfield Group, Houston, TX
“Bitcoin and Independent Oil & Gas: How the Stars Align in Texas” by Mario Gutierrez, Vibe Energy Systems
“Drill Stem Test Data and the Delaware Basin: Accumulation types found in Paleozoic Reservoirs –
Using the American Institute of Formation Evaluation Data Library”
by Ryan Fisher, Manitou Consulting, LLC
“Identifying Pay Zones and Understanding Petroleum Systems in Petrophysically Difficult to Interpret Plays
by Analyzing Volatiles from Cuttings and Core with Rock Volatiles Stratigraphy”
by Christopher Smith, Ph.D., Senior Chemist, Advanced Hydrocarbon Stratigraphy, Tulsa, OK