San Antonio Chapter Valentine’s Luncheon
Treat your Valentine at the San Antonion chapter lunch! Guest and non-member fee is $30. Please RSVP to Michael Duerr.
Treat your Valentine at the San Antonion chapter lunch! Guest and non-member fee is $30. Please RSVP to Michael Duerr.
Featured speakers will be Randall L. Anderson, Anderson Geoconsultants, and Jeff Kenney, GIS Manager at University Lands. Doors open at 11.15 a.m., program begins at noon.
November’s guest speaker will be Deane Foss with Harvest Gas Management. Please RSVP by Friday, November 1.
“Mastodons and Mountains – the Snowmastodon Ice-age Discovery” presented by Dr. Gussie Maccracken, Assistant curator of Paleobotany at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science
The September speaker will be Milan Simic, presenting “The Dawn of a New Energy Era: Hydrogen’s Path from Baku to Spindletop”.
Attend the SIPES Fort Worth chapter meeting to hear speaker Robert F. “Bob” Lindsay give his talk on Evolution of Residual Oil Zones (ROZs) in the Permian Super Basin.
All degreed earth scientists and engineers are encouraged to attend and learn about SIPES. Email Daniel Sevier for more information.
Saturday May 11th 2024 Instructor: Dr. Molly Turko The Wichita Mountains in SW Oklahoma hold the key to understanding the complex tectonic history of the Mid-Continent. This includes a Precambrian-Cambrian failed rift, post-rift thermal subsidence,[…]
Wichita Chapter SIPES Meeting Announcement Presenter: Robert Bryce Author, podcaster and film maker. Based in Austin, Texas, he writes about varying energy issues, including nuclear energy, natural gas and wind power. Please join[…]
SEPTEMBER LUNCHEON MEETING Date: Tuesday, September 19, 2023 Place: Prestonwood Country Club – 15909 Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75248 Time: 11:30 A.M. (dining at 11:45 A.M.) Topic: A New Economic Yardstick for Today’s Late-life Production:[…]
Speaker: Mike Hightower, Program Director New Mexico Produced Water Research Consortium Topic: The Consortium is working on scientific and technological solutions related to the treatment and reuse of produced water generated by the oil and gas industry. Mike[…]
Includes two Margaritas, Wine or Beer + Buffet Dinner Cash Bar Available for Additional Drinks Casual Attire – Please make checks payable to: Dallas Chapter SIPES, P.O. Box 793721, Dallas, Texas 75379 RSVP by[…]
The Society of Independent Professional Earth Scientists (SIPES) presents: Big Escambia Creek Field Escambia County, Alabama Date: Thursday, June 15th, 2023 Time: Wine served at 11:00 am | Lunch & Lecture starts @ 11:30 am to 1:30[…]
SIPES San Antonio Chapter May Meeting will be this Thursday, 18 May 2023, at 11:30 a.m. in the Petroleum Club of San Antonio. David Tonner, CEO of Diversified Well Logging, will be our guest speaker,[…]
Presenter: Salman Safari Founder and President, Recion Technologies, Inc. Petro-lithium brines: Their importance to North American battery supply chain Please join us on Wednesday, May 17th, 2023 for a virtual meeting beginning at[…]
Will you make the May Dinner meeting? Next week, Thursday, May 18, 2023 at 6:30pm. 6:30 – 7:15pm – Social/Drinks 7:15 – 9pm – Dinner w/wine Bistro Orleans, NO SPEAKER – Extended “Happy Hour” 2 Drink[…]
“Some Helium Occurrences in the Southern Rocky Mountains” Our Presenter Edward B. Coalson, Ph.D. All attendees MUST RSVP! Please RSVP by 11:30 a.m. on the Monday prior Click here to RSVP or call 303-730-2967 Walk-ins[…]
Joint SIPES-Dallas Chapter & SPE Happy Hour & Networking Opportunity Thursday, May 11, 2023, from 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M., at Yard House (5100 Belt Line Road, Suite 230, Dallas, Texas 75254). The event is[…]
Where Is our Economy Heading: Are Fossil Fuels the Problem, or are they the Patsy? With so much at play in today’s markets, many analysts are asking, “Are the macros driving our prices, or are[…]
730am – ongoing: Registration with Continental Breakfast 8am – Noon: Speaker Sessions 1 & 2 Noon – 1pm Plate lunch with Speaker Beverages & snacks throughout the day 1:30 – 5pm Speaker Sessions 3 &[…]
The Discovery of Bright Falcon Field By: Mark McCuen – Consulting Geophysicist Synopsis: Bright Falcon Field was an early discovery (1985) in the Expanded Yegua Trend of central Jackson County, TX. Initially drilled using[…]
“Help Wanted Preparing Tomorrow’s Oil Gas Workforce to Lead” Heather Anderson May 3 , 2023, 11:30 a.m. at the Fort Worth Petroleum Club. $35 for all members and guests paying at the door. At this[…]
The Future of Geothermal Energy in Texas By: Matt Welch Executive Vice President, Texas Geothermal Energy Alliance (TxGEA) Please join us on Tuesday April 11th, 2023 for a virtual meeting beginning at 12:30 p.m. Join[…]
Our next meeting is our 7th Annual Membership Drive Crawfish Boil at the Harbor on Thursday, April 20. We are keeping with the third Thursday theme for all of our future meetings. Please remember this is[…]
“West Texas (Permian) unconventional resources: Fifteen years of exploration, discovery, development, and production, what we have learned, and where we are headed” By: Bill Fairhurst President/co-Founder of Riverford Exploration, LLC and Ph.D. candidate, Spears School[…]
“The application of Machine Learning Technology to Understand the Subsurface of the Permian and Delaware Basins” By: Deborah K. Sacrey #1271
“The Gulf of Mexico Basin – A Discussion on its Origins and Future Exploration Targets“ By: Toby Roesler #3567 Geologist – LLOG Adjunct Instructor – UNO
“Saudi Arabia and the balancing of geopolitical and energy relations with the United States and Russia” By: Kristian Coates Ulrichsen
“Using Novel Technologies and AI to Understand Wells Downhole Conditions.” By: Sebastian Mannai CEO & Founder of Acoustic Wells, Inc
“Origins and Habitat of Super-Giant Fields” By: Richard S. Bishop, Ph.D., #3092 International Oil and Gas Consultant, Houston.
Guest Speaker : Donald P. Muth , Sr Where isall of this Gas going to come from…Nat Gas Price Breakout in Mid 2023
2024 NAPE Summit Feb. 7-9 2024 Exhibitor registration opens Feb. 2 2023 Reserve before March 31,2023
“The High-Definition Flood Inundation Map for the August 2016 Flood for the Amite River Basin” by Bob Jacobsen
“Geothermal Systems in Sedimentary Basins” by Ben Burke, CEO of Transitional Energy
“Petroleum Geology of the Mead Southeast Field, Jones County, Texas” by Dennis Browning, #3487, Vice President, Expro Engineering and Panther City Exploration
“UTD Geologic Studies of the Mariana Trench and the Challenger Deep” by Robert Stern, Professor of Geosciences, School of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Texas at Dallas
“Don’t Say Oil!” by Mike Umbro, Premier Resource Management, Bakersfield, CA
Social Hour – 6:00 p.m. Dinner – 7:00 p.m. Social hour includes cheese pizza appetizer, fried calamari, and cash bar (Everyone will be given two drink tickets, after that you’re on your own). Dinner –[…]
“Green Sustainable Cutting Edge Technology Producing Clean Energy and Fuels” by Debra Wold, Chief Executive Officer, GreenLily Energy & Water
“2023: State of Industry” by Matt Boyce, #3574, EPOCH Energy Group
“Salty Seismic Issues: Distinguishing and Interpreting Salt Suture Zones in the Louann with the Aid of XRF” by Dr. Julie M. Bloxson, Associate Professor, Stephen F. Austin University
6:00 p.m. – Cocktails (Cash Bar) 7:00 p.m. – Dinner and Program Entertainment by Albert Madrid, Guitarist Menu Choices: New York Steak, Cajun Seared Salmon, Organic Chicken Breast, or Special Dietary Need RSVP by February[…]
“Principal Component Analysis and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis as a Tool for Geochemical Characterization of the Bone Spring Formation in the Delaware Basin” by Ligia Carolina Mayorga-Gonzalez, Geoscience Technical Advisor, Diversified Well Logging, LLC
“Texas Coastal Processes – Brazos River Delta to Galveston Island” by Erik D. Scott Chief Geologist, Vecta Oil & Gas, and Adjunct Professor, Rice University
“John T. Scopes: A Summer in Hell and a Career in Petroleum Geology” by Matt Silverman, Exploration Manager for Robert L. Bayless
“Strategy and Insights into ‘Full Immersion’ Energy Investing” by Paul C. Lee, Jr., Operating Partner, Tailwater Capital
“Channel Delineation in Lower Wilcox Formation, Texas Gulf Coast: A Lesson in Seismic ‘Pathology’” by Dr. Robert Schneider (and Michael Ellis)
No Speaker – Open Mic There will be drink tickets, some door prizes, and Merle’s door prize winnings from last month’s meeting
The End-of-Year “Elevator Pitch” Luncheon 5 Geologists 5 Prospects 5 Minutes Each! Presenters TBA Early-Bird Ticket Pricing ends Tuesday, December 13 at 12:00 p.m. for both Members & Non-Members
Cost: Dallas SIPES Members – Free (plus one guest @ $100) Senior Members & Non-Resident Members – $100/Person (plus one guest @ $100) All other Non-Member Guests – $150/Person Reservations and Pre-payment Required RSVP by[…]
“Frank Dialogue on the Energy Transition” by Dwayne Purvis, #3470
“A Geotour of Iceland” by Jim Rogers
“Faults as Conduits and Barriers to Fluid Flow in South Louisiana” by Chris McLindon, Geologist, McLindon Geosciences, LLC There will be drink tickets and a door prize
Speaker – Jeremy Keeler, President of SeisWare, will discuss SeisWare services
“Turning Millions into Billions: The Value Proposition for BasinPak in Changing Investor Sentiment” by Derek Buster, Petrophysical Advisor & Managing Partner, Premier Corex
“Ethics in Science” by Bob Shoup Chief Geologist, Subsurface Consultants & Associates, LLC (SCA) and the Director for Clastic Reservoir Systems
“Origins and Habitats of Super-Giant Fields” by Richard Bishop, #3092
“State of Play” by James K. Wicklund, Wicklund and Associates
“The More Things Change… The More They Stay the Same” A Joint Symposium hosted by the SIPES Dallas Chapter and the University of Texas at Dallas Includes Continental Breakfast, Morning and Afternoon Sessions, and Lunch[…]
“Getting to Know Your Reservoir: Examples in the Permian Basin” by Bob Lindsay, #3605, Lindsay Consulting
“Climate Change & Weather: A Reality Check” by Jory A. Pacht, #3054, President, Altair Resources LLC
“Fundamentals of Logging ‘Reimagined’” by Don Herman, Cordax Evaluation Technologies
“Facies Architecture of the Oswego Limestone of Northeastern Kingfisher County, Oklahoma” by Dennis W. Browning, #3487, Panther City Exploration Company, LLC
“LNG – Short Supply and Rocketing Demand – A Brief History and Value Chain Discussion of Current Events” by Cameron D. Chandler, Owner and President, Chandler Energy Resources, LLC
Current State of Energy Legislation and Climate Review in Kansas” by Mike Thompson, Kansas State Senator District 10, Johnson County
“Drone Enabled Geoscience Mapping for Resource Exploration, Infrastructure Mapping, and Environmental Site Assessments” by Ronald S. Bell, Senior geoDRONEologist, Drone Geoscience, LLC
“Introduction and Refresher on the Concepts of Spatial Geostatistics and the Semivariogram” by Evan Brown, Owner and Senior Energy Geoscientist, Experten Research
“Geochemical Surveys – The Added Dimension” by Monte Meers, President, Meers Microseep Surveys, Inc.
“Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Production: Historical Trends with a Focus on the Wilcox, and a few thoughts on the Future” by Robert “Bob” Meltz, Petroleum Geologist, Retired – Chevron
“The Changing World of Energy” by Eric Smith, Associate Director, Tulane University Energy Institute There will be drink tickets and a door prize!
More Information Coming Soon!
Jerry Gilbert of Gilbert Exploration and Consulting will present a brief history of the Late Ordovician Viola/Simpson Dolomite Play in Clay, Montague, and Wichita counties of North Texas, and its possible potential for future exploration.
“Entrepreneurship and Experimentation: Solving O&G Regulations in Texas” by Jaime Andres Diez, Libertarian Nominee for the Texas Railroad Commission
Deal Buyers Event “Emphasis on Conventional Prospects in the Mid-Continent, East Texas, Eastern Shelf and Permian Basins” Happy Hour following Event Cost: Attendees (buying or networking) – No Charge (Please Register) National SIPES Members Presenting[…]
Limited availability of 30 spots. RSVP to Meghan Jones to confirm availability at before purchasing your ticket. Bring shotgun, eye and ear protection. Shells, cart, lunch, and targets provided. Food and drinks post shoot.