
SIPES Membership

Benefits of Membership

SIPES membership provides you with an opportunity to meet and exchange technical and economic information with other self-employed earth scientists. If you need prospects, or if you are looking for participants in your projects, being a SIPES member affords you the opportunity to become part of a nationwide high-quality network of oil and gas professionals.

For members who are consultants, SIPES maintains a “Referral System for Consultants” which is designed to match consulting members with individuals or companies requiring the services of a qualified earth scientist. This data includes information about professional specialties and geographic areas of practice. SIPES has developed, in conjunction with the DPA of AAPG, useful professional Model Contracts for Independent Geoscientists. A Model Confidentiality Agreement Form and a Contract for Geoscience Services are now available.

SIPES has compiled a Deal Buyers List which is available exclusively to members and is updated periodically. The report includes information from companies located in SIPES Chapter areas who are buying prospects, production and ideas. SIPES also publishes the SIPES Newsletter which contains informative articles, as well as news of members, and information about SIPES Chapter activities. A SIPES Membership Directory is available online to members. This very useful resource includes member contact information, member photos, and information on each member’s education, professional history, areas of expertise, and certification number.

The SIPES Foundation, a charitable and educational organization, was chartered in Texas in November 1981. In addition to awarding annual earth science scholarships and conducting educational seminars, the Foundation maintains an extensive earth science video film library, with films of technical programs that have been presented at past annual meetings and seminars.

SIPES addresses a wide variety of state and federal issues which directly affect the independent earth scientist. Responses to lawmaking and rulemaking are provided to state and national legislative and governmental agencies. As a cooperating association with the Independent Petroleum Association of America, and as a member of the American Geological Institute’s Governmental Affairs Program, SIPES members benefit from the direct contacts these groups have with legislators and government agencies in Washington, DC concerning issues affecting the oil and gas industry and the earth sciences.

Types of Membership

Full Membership

  • Science or engineering degree leading to a career in earth sciences.
  • Twelve years of practice in the field of earth science. The years of experience required may be fulfilled by self-employment, as well as employment in industry, government or education as an earth scientist. Credit is given for degrees received from accredited universities.
  • Members must be independent or self-employed with freedom of choice of clients and business associates.
  • ·         Three SIPES member sponsorships are required.  (Applicants who reside outside of a SIPES chapter area may use any SIPES members or professionals who are familiar with the applicant’s experience in the earth sciences.)

    • SIPES  has a membership reciprocity agreement with the Division of Professional Affairs of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists, and with the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers. Sponsors are not required for DPA or SPEE members.

Limited Membership

There are two categories of Limited Membership:

Employed Members – Persons who meet the qualifications of Full Membership except that they are not independent.

Junior Members – Persons who meet the qualifications of Full Membership except that they do not have 12 years of experience.

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